Model of integrated development Model TMC ®. The name of the model consists of three words thanks to which we guarantee integrated development for the company, participants and candidates.

Training - "applying in practice"

Motivation - "perfecting praise"

Coaching - "reliable operation"

The consultant at the first stage of cooperation with a company focuses on researching training needs. At this stage, he also conducts a „deep-sea” interviews to understand the mission and vision and profile of the company. The final stage is the analysis of competition and the environment in which the company operates. Thanks to this information, a program offer for the Company is prepared. After the Company approves the program offer and the number of participants in the Training - the Consultant before the planned Training contacts in person or by phone with each of the participants in order to learn how to start building cooperation before the joint Training.

During the first contact with the participants, the consultant implements - introduces the TMC® Model methods in cooperation. The conducted training is carried out based on the needs with the use of products and services of the company ordering the task. Training and developed methods during the case study, guarantee participants the use of the TMC ® model in their daily work.

During Training, Motivation is a partner in the whole process of integrated development of participants and candidates. Thanks to the introduction of innovative and modern elements of Motivation, the participants, by doing the exercises they by themselves create expressions and phrases that influence the Motivation and a safe atmosphere of cooperation between the participants. Motivation during and after the training is applied by the participants and the consultant and it is measured. During the training, the "case study is rewarded" the training participants build a common motivational plan. During the training the consultant is focused so that at every stage the participant can give feedback along with applications according to the "2 + 2 rules".

The TMC ® model helps in the integrated development of participants and candidates through the use of the developed methods.

The integrated development of participants and candidates is supported by Coaching aimed at improving the vision and the understanding of the goal so that they will work even better and more confidently. During the training and working together with the participants and the candidates, the consultant assesses the current state and strives together with the participants and candidates for the desired state.

Working according to the TMC® model, the Consultant completes the entire Training, Motivation and Coaching process with a test that checks the quality of changes and the consistency in the implementation of the set goals.

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