Languages open the door, give new development opportunities in life both professional and personal, improve memory, are an excellent form broadening horizons, open us to a rapidly changing world. The TMC model is perfect for increasing language competences among business associates at all levels from A1 to C1. The offer of language courses and training is addressed to companies in which English or German is defined as the language of business communication. We run general business classes and profesional ones tailored to customer needs. The program offer is prepared by the Consultant based on an analysis of Students' needs, taking into account the mission and business profile of the company. We use elements of coaching and an individual student motivation system  to achieve the highest results. After
completion a module we prepare a report on the Course achieved by the Participants language competence.

• We are distinguished by the highest quality of teaching and individual approach to student;
• We adapt the teaching method to age, character and student interests;
• We share knowledge in an attractive way, but at the same time in an effective way;
• We cooperate as strategic clients with publishers and we use the latest monolingual textbooks;
• We use the latest technologies for example teaching by using tablet and smartphone;
• We support the teaching proces for example by listening to e-books and design works;
• We are constantly improving our qualifications and competences of our language Experts;

In order to facilitate and improve our offer, we offer our Consultant and language expert to visit and teach at your company. Price offer is based on a personalized program offer.

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